Family Care Financial Support
UO Childcare Subsidy 
This student fee-funded program provides financial assistance to eligible student parents to help ease the cost of childcare. Eligibility is based on financial need. Review the full eligibility and process information.
You can apply online by logging into Engage and following these steps:
- If you have an account on Campus Labs (Engage):
- You will be on the Student Parent Subsidy page
- Links to the forms will be displayed
- If you don’t have an account on Campus Labs:
- You will be asked to "Create Account" with:
- First name
- Last name
- Email address
- Select the "Terms and Conditions" checkbox
- When "Create My Account" button is tapped:
- You will be on the Student Parent Subsidy page
- Links to the forms will be displayed
- You will be asked to "Create Account" with:
The 2024–25 academic year application is open July 12, 2024, until June 30, 2025.
Location: Oregon Hall
UO-only resource
UO Care-Finding Fund 
The Care-Finding Fund can reimburse students for up to $40 per month of costs related to finding care for a relative, such as a nanny or in-home adult care worker. It can also reimburse costs to find disability-related, at-home care for the student. Uses may include services such as or background checks; it cannot be used for payments to caregivers. All enrolled UO students who were charged an Incidental Fee for the quarter in which care-finding charges were incurred are eligible for this fund.
Location: Oregon Hall
UO-only resource
Oregon Department of Human Services Employment-Related Day Care Reimbursement
The State of Oregon can provide families with financial help with childcare costs. The amount depends on the family’s income, size, and the amount the childcare provider charges.
Location: 2885 Chad Dr., Eugene, OR 97408
Phone: 541-686-7878
Community resource
Oregon Student Child Care Grant
The Oregon Student Child Care Grant Program was established to assist parents enrolled in postsecondary education to obtain safe, dependable care that supports their children’s development while allowing completion of the parent’s academic programs.
Location: 1500 Valley River Dr., Suite 100, Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: 541-687-7400
Community resource
Ford Opportunity Program Scholarship
A scholarship opportunity for Oregon residents who are parents and/or over 25. A need-based award can cover up to 90 percent of a student’s unmet financial needs with a limit of $25,000 per year.
Location: 44 Club Road, Suite 100, Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: 877-864-2872 (toll-free), 541-485-6211 (local)
Community resource
Preschool Promise
Preschool Promise is a statewide, publicly funded initiative by the Oregon Department of Early Learning and Care. It is a free, full-time preschool option for kids ages 3 and 4, whose family income falls within 200 percent of the federal poverty level.
Phone: 541-741-6000
Community resource
Family Care Providers and Provider Searches
Moss Street Children’s Center 
The primary mission of Moss Street Children’s Center is to support UO student parents by providing high-quality care for their children while they attend classes.
Location: 1685 Moss St., Eugene, OR 97403
Phone: 541-346-4384
UO-only resource
Co-Op Family Center
The Family Center provides childcare at reduced rates for UO students. The Center aims to involve parents in the care and education of their children and provides resources to improve parenting skills.
Location: 2250 Patterson St., Eugene, OR 97405
Phone: 541-346-7400
Community resource
Vivian Olum Child Development Center
The Vivian Olum Child Development Center is a comprehensive early childhood care and development program serving UO faculty members, staff, student families, and community families on a space-available basis.
Location: 1650 Columbia St., Eugene, OR 97403
Phone: 541-346-6586
Community resource
UO Caregiver Networks
Connect with caregivers from the UO community and other families seeking shared care arrangements.
Location: 1585 E 13th Ave., Eugene, OR 97403
Phone: 541-346-1000
Community resource
Find Child Care Oregon
Find Child Care Oregon helps families locate childcare through referrals and provides resources to make informed decisions about childcare needs.
Phone: 1-866-698-6155
Community resource Benefits (for certain UO employees) helps you connect with caregivers in your area by searching the caregiver's network, posting a caregiver job, and screening applicants. Graduate employees, classified (union-represented) employees, officers of administration, and faculty members get access to Premium as an employee benefit.
Location: Human Resources, 677 East 12th Ave., 5210 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-5210
Phone: 541-346-3159
UO-only resource
Lactation Support 
Lactation Support Programs: The UO offers designated lactation rooms to support the lactation needs of students, faculty members, or staff who are nursing a baby. All rooms are locked for privacy and require scheduling.
Nutritional Support
School Lunch Program and Free Summer Meals
The School Lunch Program benefits school-aged children by providing a nutritionally balanced lunch. Individuals eligible for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) programs are also eligible for free school meals.
Location: 255 Capitol St. NE, Salem, OR 97310-0203
Phone: 503-947-5600
Community resource
Tax Benefits
Tax credits can reduce the amount of taxes you owe. When you have paid more taxes than you owe, you may receive a tax refund.
Earned Income Tax Credit
Working students and UO faculty members and staff with at least one child living with them may be eligible for a tax credit based on a percentage of earned income.
Community resource
Working Family Household and Dependent Care Credit
The purpose of this credit is to help low- to moderate-income families pay for the care of their dependents while they’re working or looking for work.
Community resource
Behavioral Support
Looking Glass
Looking Glass operates a 24-hour, 7-day-a-week crisis line for parents of children up to age 18 to call when their child has an immediate mental health, emotional, or behavioral crisis.
Location: 1790 W 11th Ave. #200, Eugene, OR 97402
Phone: 1-888-989-9990
Community resource
Additional health, mental health, and crisis support resources can be found on the Health and Wellness page.