ASUO Legal Services 
ASUO Legal Services provides legal services and awareness of the law to UO students. Students can obtain free legal advice on landlord disputes, family law issues, criminal and non-criminal offenses, record expungement, etc.
Location: EMU, Room 334
Phone: 541-346-4273
UO-only resource
Student Survivor Legal Services 
A free, confidential resource for students in higher education in Lane County who have been victims of sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, or stalking. Services include civil protective orders, student conduct code consultations, criminal justice advocacy, and housing and employment resources.
Phone: 541-346-4666
UO-only resource
Student Advocacy Program 
Free assistance for students navigating conflicts, including conduct, financial aid, housing, on-campus residence life, petitions, and appeals. Students can privately speak with the advocate team to understand university procedures and potential outcomes.
Location: EMU, Room 339
Phone: 541-346-3722
UO-only resource
UO Dreamers Working Group Legal Resources List 
A collection of additional campus, county, state, and federal legal resources for Dreamer students.
UO-only resource
Lane County Legal Aid Office (Oregon Law Center)
Lane County Legal Aid Office provides civil legal assistance to persons in economic and social need in Lane County, Oregon. This includes people in poverty, recipients of public benefits, and persons who experience disabilities, as well as people 60 and over. Cases will be accepted based on priorities set through a client needs assessment.
Location: 101 East Broadway Suite 200
Community resource
Oregon Law Help
Free legal information for low-income Oregonians.
Community resource