Application Open for UO Childcare Subsidy

(Posted July 17, 2024) The UO Childcare Subsidy application for the 2024–25 academic year is now open and will be available through June 30, 2025.

This student fee-funded program provides financial assistance to eligible student parents to help ease the cost of childcare. Eligibility is based on several factors, including enrollment status and financial need. It is available to all UO students, including international students. Learn more on the Eligibility Guidelines page.

Many changes have been implemented for the 2024–25 program year to make UO Childcare Subsidy processes easier to navigate and to reimburse participants for additional childcare expenses.

Changes for 2024–25

  • Monthly reimbursement maximums have increased by 20 percent. The new monthly maximums are based on local childcare rates for 2023–24 and 2024–2025. They are intended to reimburse closer to 50 percent of childcare costs for students who receive full-time care. The maximums will be evaluated again for the 2025–26 program year and every year going forward.

Child’s Age

Previous Maximum Monthly Reimbursement for Program Participants

New Maximum Monthly Reimbursement for Program Participants

Up to 24 months

50% of invoice up to $450

50% of invoice up to $541

24 to 36 months

50% of invoice up to $440

50% of invoice up to $528

3 to 5 years

50% of invoice up to $380

50% of invoice up to $456

Kindergarten to 3rd grade

50% of invoice up to $240

50% of invoice up to $290

4th grade to 12 years

50% of invoice up to $160

50% of invoice up to $192

  • When childcare providers do not provide an invoice or receipt that meets all program requirements, participants must use the Alternative Receipt Documentation Form. Screenshots from Venmo, bank statements, etc., are no longer accepted. This form requires hand signatures from both the payer and payee, so plan ahead and have the provider complete the form at the time of payment.
  • The requirement has been removed that for two-parent households, both parents must be either working or enrolled in school.
  • Information has been clarified about international student eligibility for need-based US federal and state programs, related documentation, and circumstances when participation in a federal or state program is not required to be eligible for this subsidy.
  • The Care-Finding Fund has been created to reimburse expenses that a student incurs to find a provider or secure a background check, including any background checks that may be required for this subsidy.
  • Participants no longer need to submit a form when there is a change to their state or federal benefit participation. Once a student is admitted to the program, they will continue to meet the income qualification requirement for the duration of the program year.
  • Participants no longer need to submit a form when there is a change to their enrollment status, marital status, or childcare provider. They can submit a Childcare Subsidy Change Form when they wish to add a child, partner/spouse/co-parent, or provider.
  • Oregon Health Plan (OHP) has been added as a program to satisfy the income qualification requirement.
  • Situations have been clarified about when an applicant may need to submit a copy of a provider background check document for the provider to be approved for reimbursement.
  • Numerous clarifications have been made, including what charges can be reimbursed and how childcare deposits and pre-payments should be claimed.

Eligibility Guidelines for Childcare Subsidy 2024–2025